Dear and Respected members of Los Angeles and San Diego Jama’at
اَلسَّلاَ مُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَا تُهُ
Majlis-e-Shura USA recommended Spiritual Fitness camps to be conducted to engage the youth through dialogue, sports, field trips, and friendships.
By the Grace of Allah, Los Angeles Tarbiyat department, in collaboration with all the local Auxiliaries, will hold “Spiritual fitness Camp” on Saturday August 31st, 2024
at Baitul Hameed Mosque, InshAllah. This would be an in-person one-day event for the Boys and Girls (This includes Atfal, Khuddam, Nasirat and Lajna)
ages from 15 to 25 of Los Angeles and San Diego Jama’at. The program will start at 11:00 am, InshAllah.
I am requesting every parent and guardian to encourage all the youths ( Atfal, Khuddam, Nasirat and Lajna) of your household to register for this program at
and attend this program. Also, the attendees can send any anonymous questions that they like to ask or that they have in their mind by clicking the link:
InshAllah, we will try to answer that question during this program.
Moyenuddin Sirajee
Serving Los Angeles Tarbiyat Department